Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Social Security Should We Eat Dessert First? “I’ll take my Social Security benefits ASAP, thank you very much.” That’s the thumbnail summary By Scott Burns / May 1, 2011
Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Vanity Capital It has been said that a sucker is born every minute. What hasn’t been said By Scott Burns / April 24, 2011
Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Let Us Now Praise Reliable Vices O.K., so the world is going to hell in a handbasket. The impending disaster raises By Scott Burns / March 6, 2011
Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth How to Save in the No-Yield Economy Should we change how we use our money? The question came to mind recently as By Scott Burns / December 26, 2010
Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Retirement Take Your Pick: Low Cost or High Match? Today’s pop quiz: Which would you rather have? A 401(k) plan with a big employer By Scott Burns / October 17, 2010
Couch Potato Investing Home Ownership Retirement Refinancing Is the New Equity When it comes to debt, there are three kinds of people in America. The debt-free. By Scott Burns / October 10, 2010
Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Insurance Variable Annuity Watch: They Lose, Again The best way to make it big in a variable annuity over the last ten By Judy Agave / September 12, 2010
Couch Potato Investing CP portfolio recipes Income & Wealth The Joy of Portfolio Cooking It has never been easier or cheaper to build a well-diversified portfolio. And you can By Scott Burns / September 5, 2010
Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Interest Rates Can Go Lower, But You Won’t Like It If Lacy Hunt had to fight a duel, he would arrive armed with an arsenal By Scott Burns / July 25, 2010
Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Retirement Solvent Seniors and the Matrix of Misery Will we make it through retirement? That question dominates my email as readers try By Scott Burns / July 10, 2010
Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth A Visit with John Bogle At 80, he says he doesn’t get enough done. And while ever more money is By Scott Burns / February 21, 2010