About Me

Get To Know Your Coach

Scott Burns is the creator of Couch Potato investing and a personal finance columnist with decades of experience. If you can fog a mirror and divide by the number “2” —or make a margarita—he’ll show you how to get better investment results— and a better retirement— with very little effort.

Want to know more?  Read a more complete bio here.

Want to know even more? Click here to read “American Generations,” his 2005 column series about change covering four generations, beginning with his mother and father. The series was nominated for a Pulitzer prize.

We’re Going To Focus On What You Can Do, Not What Others Might Be Able To Do While They Make A Living Off Your Savings.

Beginning with his first book on personal finance in 1972 and throughout 40 years of writing newspaper columns, Scott has been an advocate for individuals and families as they encounter the marketing hype of over-priced investment products that deliver less—often far less— than advertised or suggested.

Now he will lead you to the lowest cost investments that will, over time, put you in the ranks of the top performing investors. This won’t be done through magic, brilliance, or advanced crystal ball reading.  You’ll learn how to make simple, practical choices without expensive “help.”

You’ll also see how focusing on spending decisions in the here-and-now can be as valuable, or even more valuable, than the income you receive from your investments.