Home Ownership Income & Wealth Taxes Home Owner Tax Benefits Depend On Where You Live Location. Location. Location. That famous phase describes the value of real estate. It also describes By Scott Burns / April 27, 2003
Home Ownership Income & Wealth Taxes Single and Over-taxed? Buy a Home. Marriage. Children. Homeownership. They seem to go together. In fact, the largest tax benefits for By Scott Burns / April 22, 2003
Home Ownership Income & Wealth Taxes Taxes, Deductions, and Home Ownership What’s our biggest tax break? It’s home ownership. Nothing else comes close. Home mortgage interest By Scott Burns / April 20, 2003
Home Ownership Income & Wealth Letter from Northern California San Francisco. Some people talk about the ‘walking around’ evidence. Me, I like the ‘moving By Scott Burns / October 20, 2002
Better Spending Home Ownership Income & Wealth Homes Don’t Always Live Up To Great Expectations Stocks markets come and go, but we always love our homes. One reason is By Scott Burns / September 2, 2001
Home Ownership Different Drummer, Right March Old Snowmass, Colorado. Amory Lovins ruminates with an amused expression. His face is lit by By Scott Burns / August 19, 2001
Home Ownership Income & Wealth Is Home Ownership ‘The Other Bubble’? “How can we be out of money? We still have checks.” So it is By Scott Burns / August 12, 2001
Better Spending Home Ownership Retirement Retiring In Mexico San Miguel Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico. She stands at the front of the tour bus as By Scott Burns / March 4, 2001
Home Ownership Income & Wealth Recession for Some, Not All Worry, we might. But if a recession is coming, one thing we can be pretty By Scott Burns / January 14, 2001
Home Ownership As Visible as the Air We Breathe TESUQUE, New Mexico. The views from Vista Redonda give new meaning to the word “breathtaking.” By Scott Burns / September 5, 2000
At Large Home Ownership Social Security Living in RV Communities PHOENIX.“We sold our home in June. We got interested in RVs and we traveled for By Scott Burns / March 30, 1999