Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Retirement The Age of IRAs If you are in your twenties or thirties, I have a tip for you: Learn By Scott Burns / May 26, 2013
Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Retirement How We Lose in the Mutual Fund Casino Las Vegas is profitable because most gamblers know little or nothing about the game they By Scott Burns / April 14, 2013
Better Spending Retirement Required Minimum Distributions: Not Such a Bad Thing After All It isn’t wise to complain about some things too loudly. Yes, I’m talking about the By Scott Burns / March 3, 2013
Better Spending Insurance Retirement Playing Roulette with Long-Term Care Is this the winter of long-term care insurance? It sure is quiet. In most years By Scott Burns / December 2, 2012
Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Retirement Life, Death and How Long Your Money Will Last When I talk to large groups I like to ask a peculiar question: If you By Scott Burns / November 11, 2012
Couch Potato Investing Retirement OK, How Much Is Your 401(k) Plan Costing You? “Fee disclosure has had an effect. The amount of requests for proposals has increased. Plan By Scott Burns / October 14, 2012
Retirement Social Security Taxes The Little Middle Class Tax That Keeps On Rising Both parties talk about “helping” the middle class. But will they actually do it? Don’t By Scott Burns / August 19, 2012
Retirement Social Security Taxes For the Real Condition of Social Security & Medicare, Turn to Appendix F Can you spell i-c-e-b-e-r-g? Well, we’ve hit one and our ship is taking on water. By Scott Burns / May 6, 2012
Retirement The Good Life Is also a Long Life Sarasota, Florida. There are, very roughly, three kinds of elderly people in America. There are By Scott Burns / January 27, 2012
Couch Potato Investing Retirement Social Security How Much Are Social Security Benefits Worth? OK, look that big gift horse in the mouth. How much are Social Security benefits By Scott Burns / October 2, 2011
At Large Income & Wealth Retirement The Sublime Benefits of Death When it comes to retirement and living without a paycheck, older people have a sublime By Scott Burns / July 17, 2011