Couch Potato Investing Home Ownership Income & Wealth Social Security Your Wealth Is Not Your Standard of Living Here’s a challenging thought: Things aren’t as bad as they seem. Since there is plenty By Scott Burns / March 1, 2009
Income & Wealth Social Security Taxes A Meditation on McDonald’s McDonald’s, 9 a.m.My coffee, as usual, is tasty and lawsuit hot. I look around and By Scott Burns / February 22, 2009
Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Inflation Retirement Social Security At Least You Still Have Your Human Capital It’s ugly out there. Millions of people have lost a major part of their financial By Scott Burns / October 26, 2008
Income & Wealth Retirement Social Security Taxes Two Candidates with a Nasty Secret In the coming election, two major candidates share a nasty secret. Twenty-five years ago the By Scott Burns / October 12, 2008
Better Spending Consumption Smoothing Income & Wealth Inflation Retirement Social Security Getting an Economic Grip The patient suffered a cardiac arrest. A dangerous amount of time has passed. Although the By Scott Burns / October 4, 2008
Social Security The Amazing Deficit Reduction— Not! When it comes to financial magic, the government of the United States takes the prize. By Scott Burns / November 18, 2007
Income & Wealth Inflation Social Security Joseph Vineyard, Meet Joe Six Pack On this glorious Labor Day Weekend I’d like to say a few words about the By Scott Burns / September 2, 2007
Income & Wealth Retirement Social Security The Realities of Retirement Income If there is a mythical god in charge of retirement, it would have to be By Scott Burns / April 29, 2007
Better Spending Income & Wealth Social Security Living Standard Risk Life is full of risks. Many have esoteric names. Like longevity risk, the risk of By Scott Burns / February 1, 2007
Income & Wealth Social Security Fine-Tuning the Social Security Benefits Decision Married women should take Social Security benefits early. Married men and single women should take By Scott Burns / January 29, 2006
Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Retirement Social Security How To Play Catch-Up On Retirement Over the last 40 years my wife and I raised seven children. Consequently, we find By Scott Burns / November 23, 2004