Home Ownership Income & Wealth Inflation Retirement The Amazing Arithmetic of Home Ownership A lot of people are down on home ownership these days, some for good reason. By Scott Burns / July 6, 2014
Better Spending Consumption Smoothing Home Ownership Inflation Fearless Forecasts 2014 Never underestimate the power of innovation. Only a year ago I said there were “no-payment By Scott Burns / December 29, 2013
Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Inflation High Debt Means Deflation, Not Inflation AUSTIN, TEXAS. Future inflation is a given. You can’t have a government borrowing $2 trillion By Scott Burns / June 7, 2009
Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Inflation Retirement Social Security At Least You Still Have Your Human Capital It’s ugly out there. Millions of people have lost a major part of their financial By Scott Burns / October 26, 2008
Better Spending Consumption Smoothing Income & Wealth Inflation Retirement Social Security Getting an Economic Grip The patient suffered a cardiac arrest. A dangerous amount of time has passed. Although the By Scott Burns / October 4, 2008
Home Ownership Income & Wealth Inflation Déjà vu, Texas Lately I’ve been getting that déjà vu feeling. If you lived in Texas through the By Scott Burns / October 7, 2007
Income & Wealth Inflation Social Security Joseph Vineyard, Meet Joe Six Pack On this glorious Labor Day Weekend I’d like to say a few words about the By Scott Burns / September 2, 2007
Consumption Smoothing Home Ownership Inflation Taxes The Sublime Beauty of Falling Knives Would you dare buy a house in California today? In spite of mind-boggling prices, the By Scott Burns / April 8, 2007
Income & Wealth Inflation A Better Inflation Mousetrap An unassuming research economist at the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank may influence decisions that will By Scott Burns / October 22, 2006
Better Spending Inflation Three Years of Prius This morning, I looked at the gages on our 2003 Prius and smiled. They showed By Scott Burns / April 30, 2006
Couch Potato Investing Inflation Different Drummer Investing Austin, Texas. Economist Lacy Hunt and money manager Van Hoisington have a multi- billion dollar By Scott Burns / May 29, 2005