Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Insurance Variable Annuity Watch, 2012 The big claim for variable annuities has always been that they allow investors to invest By Scott Burns / March 10, 2013
Better Spending Insurance Retirement Playing Roulette with Long-Term Care Is this the winter of long-term care insurance? It sure is quiet. In most years By Scott Burns / December 2, 2012
Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Insurance Variable Annuity Watch: They Lose, Again The best way to make it big in a variable annuity over the last ten By Scott Burns / September 12, 2010
Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Insurance Variable Annuity Watch, 2008 Variable annuities have a tough row to hoe. Doomed to being measured against better alternatives, By Scott Burns / August 24, 2008
Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Insurance How to exit a variable annuity If you deliver bad news, you should also deliver remedies. That’s the message I got By Scott Burns / August 1, 2006
Better Spending Income & Wealth Insurance Taking Missed Fortune to the Reality Lab The premise of “Missed Fortune 101”, a popular insurance book, is that all of us By Scott Burns / September 6, 2005
Better Spending Couch Potato Investing Insurance Answering the Variable Annuity Industry “Your June 21 article, ‘7 sins of variable annuities,’ provides a biased, inaccurate and incomplete By Scott Burns / July 12, 2005
Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Insurance Seven Reasons to Avoid Variable Annuities The kids are gone. The last tuition bill has been paid. The mortgage is nearly By Scott Burns / June 21, 2005
Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Insurance Quixote Returns! Variable Annuity Watch, 2005 It’s beyond all reason. Investors are still buying variable annuities. According to the National Association By Scott Burns / June 19, 2005
Couch Potato Investing Income & Wealth Insurance Variable Annuity Watch, Continued Variable Annuities, the insurance based product that has no reason to live, continue to march By Scott Burns / October 10, 2004
Better Spending Insurance Retirement The Medicare Buck Stops at the Border When you think about retiring in Mexico one question is the hardest. What about By Scott Burns / March 13, 2001